Stuart Group

Tel: +44 (0) 1953 454540

Fax: +44 (0) 1953 456968

[email protected]

Statutory Treatment Licenses

Mobile Treatment License

  1. Water Treatment
  2. Air Sparging
  3. Bioremediation (In-situ and Ex-situ)
  4. Biosparging
  5. Bioventing
  6. Chemical Treatment (including Oxidation, Dehalogenation)
  7. Soil Vapour Extraction (including Dual Phase SVE)
  8. Soil Flushing (including Steam Injection)
  9. Soil Washing
  10. Solidification
  11. Stabilisation
  12. Thermal Treatment (including Thermal Desorption and Steam Injection)

...and treatment plant for blending, mixing, bulking, screening, shredding, particle size reduction and/or particle seperation in order to facilitate remedial action.

  • Waste Carriers License

  • Other Services

    Remdiation Technologies

    We offer turn-key solutions to alter the difficult and complex sites, the need for a range of remedial options is ever more apparent.

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    We can assist you in large number of remediation services. Please follow the link to find a list of the different services we can offer.

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    Contaminated Land

    We can provide you with skilled, knowledgeable and effective remediation design and implementation to deal with contaminated land.

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    Brownfield Land

    Government requirements state that 60% of all new homes should be built on brownfield land. This makes brownfield land an important part of this countries future.

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